Basic information regarding Foster Care.
We can list some basic requirements for you. You are also welcome to check with your local Department of Social Development in your area for the requirements.
Please note we need Foster Care parents for children of all ages and not just babies. We don’t deal with adoptions just to be clear, and to add - Foster Care you cannot choose race or gender as we will inform you of the children that need homes.
Below is some guidelines:
You have to be 18 and older and in good health.
You need to be employed OR have a steady income.
You can apply for the Police clearance through SAPS or private police agencies for example Phoenix Park.
You also need to apply for Child Protection Clearance – attached is the form 30 application (Crimes against children clearance) You need to fill this in and post to Pretoria with a certified copy of your ID’s. You and everyone in your home 18 and over. Please also make copies for your reference before you post.
You must have adequate space for a child.
The Foster Care term placement is 2 years, but can be extended as deemed by the Court.
Foster care was not designed for permanency, however discuss with the social worker as each case is different one to the other.
The designated social worker will do the necessary home visit and screening and they will decide if you are fit or not.